Where we are
The DCO application has now been submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for consideration and determination.

At an early stage we carried out initial Environmental Scoping which is available on the National Infrastructure Planning website. This scoping process established the technical work we carried out and identified the environmental aspects that would need to be considered as we developed our proposals
Since November 2015, we have been engaging proactively with the local communities and their representatives. We introduced the scheme to MPs, local councillors, parish councils and other representatives ahead of the full public consultation that started in April 2016. In April and May 2016, we held a number of public exhibitions as part of our Phase One consultation to help people understand the plans and register their comments and opinions. In August 2016, Ashfield Land published updated illustrative plans and new visual material as part of the Phase One community consultation. This first round of consultation closed on 21 October 2016.
Phase Two consultation started on 15 March and closed on 23 April 2018. Following consultation, Ashfield Land and Gazeley GLP considered all feedback, along with technical matters, and updated the plans for further consultation (Phase 2a: Localised Consultation) between 25 June and 23 July 2018. The plans were then finalised and submitted to the Planning Inspectorate, the government body responsible for considering the application. The application was submitted in September 2018. Feedback will be reported in the Consultation Report, which will be available on the Planning Inspectorate website.
What happens next?
The planning application was originally submitted on 21 September 2018.
On Friday 19 October, the Planning Inspectorate (PINs) declined to accept the application for examination, indicating a small number of drafting inaccuracies within the submitted documents. Rail Central responded to the points made by PINs, updated its application, and re-submitted the application on Monday 29 October.
Now that the application has been accepted, an independent inspector will carry out an examination which local residents and others with an interest in the project can register to take part in. Following the examination, the inspector will make a recommendation to government which will make the final decision on whether consent should be granted or refused.